Thursday, 16 June 2016

The Pied Flycatcher

'Red Status' - High Priority Conservation, Globally threatened and breeding populations are in more than 50% decline in both the UK and other European countries over > 25 years.

Another first for me and what an exiting first! Whilst checking out a stunning new walk along the River Bovey on Dartmoor, I was watching the Grey Wagtails stone hopping in the river and I noticed a faint squeaking noise coming from the tree next to me. Then a louder squeak came from behind me - it was a female Pied Flycatcher!!!

I rushed a few photos before realising she was actually getting quite frantic. Then a male appeared nearby with a mouthful of flies. I soon became aware they were both getting upset with me standing there - it turned out I was standing under a nest box belonging to a family of Pied Flycatchers!

This all took place in about 2-3 minutes, but of course I needed to move away to allow these very special birds to get on and care for their precious family. Despite being on the main footpath, I was too close for comfort, so I moved a fair distance away - enough that they would tolerate a few more photos before leaving them in peace. What a wonderful afternoon.

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